Cassida 5520 UV Currency Counter

$165.00 $266.00

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Product Information
The Cassida 5520 UV Currency Counter uses the latest technologicaladvancements available in the industry. All Cassida machines utilizeInfra-Red technology which maximizes currency counting accuracy as wellas half and double note detectionAll Cassida counters are equipped with an auto-start feature whichsignificantly reduces time in cash processing operations. Machines startbatching, counting, or adding automatically the moment bills are placedin the hopper.An increasing trend in counterfeit money has forced many businesses tosearch for a way to combat fraud. All Cassida machines feature abuilt-in UV ultraviolet fluorescence detection system to alert you ofsuspect bills. Operating environments vary greatly, and so do individualneeds.

Product Warranty
Cassida currency counters are warranted for a period ofone-year parts and labor.Units must be returned to factory forservicing. Inbound shipping charges are the users responsibility.Repaired units will be returned with shipping prepaid. Warranty does notcover routine cleaning or other user maintenance requirements.

Cassida counting equipment uses the latest technological advancementsavailable in the industry. All Cassida machines utilize Infra-Redtechnology which maximizes currency counting accuracy as well as halfand double note detection

Time saving
All Cassida counters are equipped with an auto-start feature whichsignificantly reduces time in cash processing operations. Machines startbatching, counting, or adding automatically the moment bills are placedin the hopper.

User friendly
While Cassida machines are sophisticated pieces of equipment, end usersdon' t need to worry about its intricacies. Designed with the user inmind our machines are intuitive and easy to operate. In fact you will bepleasantly surprised by the simplicity of the controls. No more complexand hard to memorize operations, everything is accessible with the pushof a button.

Accuracy, reliability, and ease of operation are not the onlyadvantages of using Cassida counters. Lightweight and compact Cassidamodels are easily mobile thanks to the integrated carrying handle. Andwherever you take it, the contemporary design will easily integrate intoany business environment.

Technical specifications:

  • Counts 1300 bills per minute; hopper capacity of 200 new bills; stacker capacity of 200 new bills.
  • UV counterfeit detection and error detection for double, half and chain note.
  • Auto start features and LED screen display
  • Count, add, batch operating modes.
  • One year parts and labor manufacturer's warranty.
Cassida products are subject to stringent quality control measuresduring the manufacturing process and are backed by a twelve month partsand labor warranty. You can rely on Cassida Technical Support Team longafter your original purchase. If you have a question, seek professionaladvice or need your machine repaired we will be there to support you. Should the need arise for repair parts, contact cassida technical support and they willgladly provide any parts needed to get your machine back into operation.

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