Durability, Reliability and Sturdiness
The Cassida 85 is only built one way, and that is tough.Those looking for a dependable bill counting system can be sure that theCassida 85 is up to the job. Formed from durable steel parts and metalconstruction, the Cassida 85 has been designed from the ground up foryears of high-throughput use. Bill counters need to be tough andreliable, just like the Cassida 85.
Worn bills? No problem
When you are looking for a currency counter, selecting one that canhandle old and new bills alike has obvious advantages. The Cassida 85has been designed to handle all sorts of bills, ranging from crisp newbills to those that are nearing the end of their lifetime. You can trustthe Cassida 85 to adeptly process all bills, regardless of condition.
Superior protection against counterfeits
The Cassida 85U has been engineered to tackle counterfeitbills head on. Our incorporation of UV(ultraviolet) detection systems ensures the ultimate protection againstcounterfeit bills.
Documents and foreign currency
The Cassida 85 is designed to deliver the same smooth andaccurate processing with coupons, tickets, deposit slips or otherdocuments, as well as any foreign bills. The flexible software allowsthe user to easily adjust the Cassida 85 for any non-US currency. TheCassida 85 is also world-friendly, with a universal input voltage of100-240VAC.
Technical specifications: